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About Us 

We are a social enterprise that aims to address the economic, social, and environmental imbalances in our world.. 


Explore our website to find out more and sign up to join our cause.

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Social Enterprise

Our Mission

To redefine consumer choice and economic redistribution. 

You matter.

As do your choices.

Let's make that count. 

consumer choices

The conscious consumer is rising. We are all increasingly aware that the choices we make - including the things we buy - have an impact beyond what we use.


profits redistributed 

Our profits are redistributed back into the social issues of our time. Through partnerships and collaborations, we offer the choice for our members to vote where profits should go. 

What we want to achieve

Change the World One Product at a Time

We believe that consumers do not have enough choice. Business has lost site of what and who matters. Supermarkets are still full of single use plastics. The gap between the rich and the poor is still increasing. We are working towards solutions for social and environmental justice. 

we need you !

We need your support to help us get started. 

By joining, you will help us prove that people care about their social and environmental future, and that our venture is worth fighting for.  

Our Vision

To achieve a just balance between people, planet and prosperity

We can achieve a better balance between people, planet and prosperity. We want to improve consumer choices and share our profits to those who need help. We offer an opportunity for people to buy environmentally sustainable products whose profits go back into the social issues of our time. 

Plastic Bottles

Start Somewhere

Whilst we have big plans to change the world, we are starting with plastic waste


Reduce, reuse or recycle ?


What is the best way to tackle our plastic pandemic ?

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